Excessive Bleeding After Tooth Extraction

Excessive Bleeding After Tooth Extraction

When you have a tooth extracted, you expect that you will receive the best care possible. Unfortunately, that does not always happen. Dental negligence is a serious issue that can affect many patients. According to National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB), about one in seven medical malpractice lawsuits are against dentists.

If a tooth extraction goes wrong, you can develop serious health problems from the blood loss. Your oral health might also suffer. Without treatment, you may develop an infection that will damage the surrounding teeth.

About Tooth Extractions

Tooth extraction is a complicated procedure that a dentist must perform with the highest level of care. It also requires technical skill to do it properly. There are many reasons why a patient might need a tooth extraction. For example, excessive decay can’t always be repaired. Patients also might need to have a tooth extracted before beginning orthodontics treatment.

Reasons for Excessive Bleeding

While some bleeding after an extraction is normal, it should be controllable with gauze. However, the bleeding should not last more than four hours after the extraction. If you had moderate or severe steady bleeding, your dentist should not have discharged you.

Sometimes, dentists rush through extractions and damage the surrounding area. The gums or the surrounding teeth might be injured. This might happen because an instrument slipped and injured the tissue near the tooth, causing a laceration. It would be hard for you to tell immediately that this had happened because of the local anesthesia. If you notice numbness in your gums, chin, tongue, or face, the damage may extend to the nerves.

Other times, a dentist may negligently remove excessive gum tissue or bone during the extraction. In some cases, the jaw can be broken, which will cause both excessive bleeding and extreme pain. Nerve damage is another painful condition that might result from a tooth extraction.

Failure to Consider Health Concerns

Prior to beginning an extraction, a dentist should take reasonable measures to get a health history of the patient. It is also important for the dentist to get a list of current and past medications. Some patients may have blood disorders or take blood thinners that will negatively affect the blood’s clotting ability. If a dentist does not account for this, excessive bleeding can result.

Do I Have an Excessive Bleeding Dental Malpractice Claim?

Excessive bleeding after a tooth extraction is never normal. Every case is unique, so you should have your case reviewed to see if you have a claim. Our malpractice team knows that dentists must care for their patients and we have experience with dealing with these types of cases.

If you think you may have a malpractice claim, contact our knowledgeable team at Arizona Dental Law Group. We will be happy to review your case for you and determine if you may be able to file a suit against the dentist. If you have a claim, we can help you get the right compensation. To schedule your free case evaluation, give our Scottsdale, AZ, office a call today at (602) 833-4200.