Root Canal Dental Malpractice— Drilling Too Deep

root canal drilled too deep caused by dentist

Dental malpractice, a seldom talked about but nonetheless alarming issue in today’s healthcare landscape, is often overlooked. It involves any incident where a dental professional fails to provide the standard of care expected, resulting in harm or injury to the patient. We will delve into one specific type of dental malpractice - drilling too deep during a root canal procedure.

Understanding Root Canal Procedures

A root canal is a common dental procedure, often necessary when the pulp inside a tooth becomes infected or inflamed. The procedure involves removing the infected pulp, cleaning the inside of the tooth, and then filling and sealing it. While a root canal is generally considered safe, there are risks involved, just like any other medical procedure.

Complications can arise due to a variety of reasons. A tooth with complex root structure might pose difficulties during the procedure, or a dentist might fail to remove all the infected pulp, leading to persistent infection. However, one of the most serious complications can occur if the dentist drills too deep during the procedure.

Drilling too deep during a root canal is not only a potential case of dental malpractice but can also lead to severe consequences, such as nerve damage and infection. The precision required in a root canal procedure makes it a delicate operation, and any error can lead to significant problems.

Drilling Too Deep: A Case of Root Canal Malpractice

In the realm of dental malpractice, drilling too deep during a root canal procedure is a serious issue. It involves the dentist drilling beyond the root canal space and into the bone, causing potential nerve damage, infection, or even loss of the tooth. This form of malpractice can occur due to a lack of experience, rushed procedures, or simply by mistake.

When a dentist drills too deep, it can cause excruciating pain and discomfort for the patient. Moreover, it can lead to more complex health issues, such as bone infection, which can spread to other parts of the body if left untreated. Severe cases may also lead to the formation of a dental fistula, an abnormal channel that develops between the tooth root and the skin surface, allowing bacteria to enter the bloodstream.

Signs and Symptoms of Root Canal Malpractice

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of root canal malpractice is the first step towards seeking justice and recovery. Common indicators of malpractice include persistent pain and discomfort after the procedure, swelling around the affected area, and the recurrence of infection. In some cases, patients may also experience numbness or tingling sensation due to potential nerve damage.

However, it's important to note that these symptoms alone do not confirm malpractice. They could be signs of a failed root canal or other dental complications. Therefore, it's crucial to consult with a professional dental malpractice attorney who can help you understand your situation better.

More definitive signs of malpractice include the dentist failing to take X-rays before and after the procedure, not providing a detailed treatment plan, or not explaining the potential risks related to the procedure. In such cases, the dentist can be held liable for their negligence or failure to provide an adequate standard of care.

How Arizona Dental Law Group Can Help

If you believe you've been a victim of dental malpractice, it's crucial to seek legal help promptly. At Arizona Dental Law Group, our team of experienced attorneys, are committed to helping victims of dental malpractice seek justice.

Our team will guide you through the complexities of a dental malpractice claim, starting from gathering evidence to prove malpractice, to negotiating with insurance companies, and even representing you in court if necessary. With our expertise, we aim to alleviate your stress during this challenging time and help you obtain the compensation you deserve.

At Arizona Dental Law Group, we believe that every patient deserves to receive the best possible standard of dental care. If you've been harmed due to a dental professional's negligence, don't hesitate to reach out to us.


Understanding dental malpractice, especially in the context of root canal procedures, is vital for every patient. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of malpractice can help you take early action, mitigating further harm.

If you believe you're a victim of dental malpractice, contact Arizona Dental Law Group today. Our experienced team is ready to help you navigate this challenging situation and work towards the justice you deserve. Visit our office in Scottsdale, Arizona or call 602.833.4200 to schedule an appointment today.