Arizona’s Dental Lawyers
We are Arizona dental malpractice attorneys who represent dental patients in Scottsdale, Phoenix, and throughout Arizona who have been injured as the result of negligent or substandard dental care. Our clients are dental patients, we do not represent or defend dentists or their dental practices.
What is Dental Malpractice?
Areas of Practice Include:
Wrongful Death
Anesthesia injuries or Death
Hospitalization resulting from Dental Treatment
Jaw Fractures
Dental Implant Failures
Wisdom or Third Molar Teeth Extraction Injuries
Nerve Injuries to Face, Lip, and Tongue
Wrong Teeth Extracted
Root Canal Injuries
Unnecessary or Fraudulent Dental Treatment on Children
Failed Oral and Dental Surgery
Drill Mishaps
Lack of Informed Consent for Procedure or Surgery
Failure to refer to a Specialist
Infection Cases
Failure to Diagnose
Inadequate Follow-up Care
Oral Cancer Failure to Diagnose
Do I Have a Case?
If you have questions about the dental treatment you received please call our Scottsdale, Arizona office for a no-cost, confidential consultation. Dental malpractice claims are possible if a dental patient has been injured as a result of substandard dental care. The first step is to tell us about your situation.
Please contact the expert dental lawyers at Arizona Dental Law Group today to discuss your dental case. For a free telephone consult of your dental situation call the Scottsdale, AZ office at (480) 348-5000 or click on the button below to find the case evaluation form.